EPC Upgrade

EPC Upgrade

The coveted EPC 'C' standard

When a landlord is looking to upgrade an EPC to meet either the interim ‘D’ standard for 2025 or the ‘C’ standard for 2035, the obvious thing to do is look at the EPC. If the recommended upgrades aren’t too expensive and clear the hurdle, then you can probably get by without seeking the professional help of AML Energy.

 But for the comparatively small price of a basic consultation, you can be assured that you’re not missing anything during this process and you’re going to need an EPC anyway, which AML Energy provides.

 Should it turn out that AML Energy can identify savings (beyond that identified by the EPC*), then the consultation will attract a higher fee because clients will be making considerable savings.

It is important to note that landlords should not think that they can just follow some of the recommendations and then call in AML. By that time, there may not be any savings to be made because a landlord may already have spent towards a particular route to meet the standard. This has happened when AML looked at an EPC and spotted the most affordable route (not on the EPC list of recommendations) to the ‘C’ standard only to find that the landlord had already installed one of the recommendations that appeared on the EPC and the several thousand spent thereby made AML’s advice invalid because, by that time, it was cheaper simply to follow the other printed EPC recommendations. The cost to the landlord was several thousand pounds.

 * To clarify: savings beyond that identified by the EPC mean that where, for example, an EPC has only one recommendation: that of wall insulation costing £4,000 – £14,000 (average £9,000) and AML can point to another route to achieve the standard, costing, say £4,000, then savings of £5,000 have been identified.

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